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Nutrition for men

A healthy diet can help you look better and feel younger. But with all the books, magazines and infomercials selling the latest diet trend, how do you know what a well-balanced, healthy way to eat is?

It is a common misconception that men and women have the same dietary needs. Nutrition for men should be different due to their unique physical structure and hormonal characteristics. Men generally need more energy each day than women because their body is usually larger and more muscular than women.

Due to the presence of higher muscle mass in the male body, they require more protein to support muscle growth and repair. They also need more calories to support their higher metabolic rate, especially if they engage in physically demanding activities such as sports or manual labour.

Additionally, men have a higher risk of heart disease, and a healthy diet can help reduce this risk. A well-balanced diet full of healthy fruits, vegetables, whole grains, and healthy fats can help lower cholesterol levels, reduce blood pressure, and improve overall cardiovascular health. Choosing to live well is choosing to eat well. The health benefits of nutrition are significantly less recognized by men than by women.

There needs to be a specific understanding of nutrition in men to make sure all physical, genetic, lifestyle, metabolic predisposition and nutritional needs across ages are considered. This is because we are all fundamentally made and governed differently. Keeping all elements in mind, a general diet cannot work optimally for a male body.

Males of all ages can benefit from eating a customised, balanced and nutritious varied diet, getting enough calcium, avoiding high fat and sugar content (like fast food) and exercising daily.

However, if you are concerned about your nutrition or have specific weight targets, goals, fitness targets, performance-related conditions, underlining medical conditions or genetic vulnerability to any issues, visiting a Specialist Nutritionist in that category can help take your fitness and health to the next level.

How to choose the right nutrition for men?

Many young men wonder if dietary supplements can help them build bigger muscles, grow taller, or become better athletes. However, supplements cannot substitute a healthy diet and regular exercise. Supplement advertisements often promise big results without scientific data to back up their claims and do not highlight the side effects of unsupervised supplementation. Many diets and supplements can be dangerous to your health. Do not self-medicate and indulge.

At Qua Nutrition, we understand your lifestyle and provide you with the best fuel for a better living. A man’s nutrition plan needs to change with age because the body’s nutritional needs change as we age. Overall, a man’s nutrition plan should be customised to his body’s needs and consider changes that occur with age. This can help to maintain good health and prevent chronic health conditions as he gets older because:

  1. Decreased metabolism: As we get older, our metabolism slows down, so we require to cut down on our calorie intake to maintain our ideal weight that is best suitable
  2. Physical activity changes: With growing age, the activity level changes affecting the requirements of nutrition for men. For example, older men may be less physically active and require fewer calories.
  3. Chronic health conditions: The risk of chronic health conditions such as heart disease, diabetes, thyroid, and osteoporosis increase as we grow older. A nutrition plan that considers these conditions can help manage symptoms and prevent further complications.
  4. Nutrient needs change: As we age, the body’s need for specific nutrients changes. For example, older men may require more vitamin D and calcium to support bone health.

Good nutrition is essential for peak performance, and a healthy diet should meet your physical needs, fit your lifestyle, and should be enjoyable at the same time.

For the Fitness Warrior in You

Some of you like to kill it in the gym in any form of workout. Of course, Marathon running, golf, or any recreational fitness element is a must for you in your daily regime, and you should manage it well with all other professional activities. But it would help if you still had that extra “something” to get you to the warrior status in the office and at fun. Suitably fueling and refuelling your body is essential to achieving your targeted fitness goals.

If you are an athlete, you must have read, heard or discussed the right nutrition for men to keep up with their routine. Likewise, we are constantly flooded with the latest research, fad diet or myth about what we should eat and drink to achieve greater endurance, build stronger muscles, attain a better body composition, and so on. But what is the right amount, and what should you eat and drink to maximise your athletic performance?

A structured nutrition plan at Qua Nutrition can go a long way in complimenting your exercise regime. They build on each other and make you the healthiest you have ever been.


If you are a student, then nutrition is something you should heed along with your studies. Students are busier and busier with school/college, part-time jobs and other activities. As young adults, male students are in a critical stage of physical and cognitive development, making it essential for them to maintain a balanced and nutritious diet. For many teens, nutrition consists of whatever can be eaten anywhere and everywhere while shuttling between activities. Eventually, poor nutrition habits catch up with age.

So how do you eat well to grow, develop cognitive skills, be active and study well? How do you prevent excessive weight gain and avoid obesity?

At Qua Nutrition, our expert nutritionists will provide you with a nutrition plan that caters to your lifestyle, social circle, taste, interest and eating habits.

Working Executives:

Nutrition for men is a crucial aspect of maintaining good health and wellness, especially for working executives who lead busy and demanding lives. With long hours, high-stress levels, and the need to balance work with personal commitments, it can be easy for these individuals to neglect their nutritional needs. However, nutrition is essential for overall health and can positively impact personal and professional success.

At Qua Nutrition, our experts will plan your strategies for a healthy eating pattern keeping in mind your sedentary lifestyle, the crazy work hours and even your travel schedule. In addition, our team will provide you with the aid to help you work around your constraints.

Your decade:

One crucial aspect of overall health and wellness is nutrition for men in their 40s and 50s. As men reach their 40s and 50s, paying attention to their nutrition becomes increasingly important. This stage of life is associated with various changes in the body, including hormonal changes and a decline in metabolism, which can impact overall health and wellness. By prioritising nutrition, men in their 40s and 50s can help maintain good health and reduce the risk of chronic diseases.

As you step into your 60s, you cannot afford to eat as you did in your 20s and keep weight off. You are typically less active as you age, losing muscle and gaining fat. These things cause metabolism to slow down. So watching what you eat during these years, you can keep your body and mind sharp and extend your quality of life.

At Qua Nutrition, we will customise a plan to suit your age. Our diet and supplement regime will change the way you feel as you take control of this part of your life towards a fitter, healthier you. A customised plan of nutrition for men works by:

  1. Assessment of needs: The first step is to assess the individual’s current eating habits, health status, and goals. This information is used to design a plan that meets their specific needs.
  2. Personalisation: The plan is tailored to the individual’s tastes, food preferences, blood parameters, medical history, genetic threats, specific goals and targets, and lifestyle. This can help increase adherence and make it easier for the individual to follow the plan over the long term.
  3. Measuring energy needs: The plan is designed to meet the individual’s energy needs, considering age, activity level, and weight goals.
  4. Balancing macronutrients: The right balance of carbohydrates, proteins, and fats are important for optimal health, and the plan takes this into account to support every individual’s goals.
  5. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods: The plan is designed to include nutrient-dense foods that provide the vitamins, minerals, and other nutrients needed for good health.
  6. Monitoring progress: The plan is reviewed and adjusted to ensure the individual is progressing and getting the right nutrients to meet their goals.

How can you ensure you’re getting all the required nutrition for men?

A man can ensure that they are getting all the nutrients they need by following these directions:

  1. Eating a variety of foods: Including a variety of foods from all food groups to your diet can help ensure that a man is getting all the nutrients he needs and avoiding the foods you are allergic to.
  2. Understanding which nutrient they may need more: Doing a blood or a genetic test can help you understand which nutrient you are deficient in compensating.
  3. Incorporating nutrient-dense foods: Foods such as leafy greens, nuts, seeds, and lean proteins are good sources of essential vitamins and minerals. Incorporating these foods into a daily diet can help ensure adequate nutrient intake.
  4. Limiting processed and high-fat foods: Processed foods and foods high in unhealthy fats can be low in nutrients and displace nutrient-dense foods. Limiting these foods can help ensure adequate nutrient intake.
  5. Drinking sufficient water: Staying hydrated helps improve nutrient absorption and improves overall health.
  6. Considering supplements: In some cases, a man may need to consider a dietary supplement to meet their nutrient needs. Talking to a healthcare professional before starting any new supplement regimen is important.

Most importantly, consult with a nutritionist to balance all the parameters specific to your customised need and direction.

What should you do if you have trouble sticking to the right nutrition for men?

Diet tips that can help you stay on track:

  1. Start small, and choose to make one change at a time. Choose the change that will show the biggest difference.
  2. Work with the follow-up and choose a regime with motivation and follow-up.
  3. Prepare a grocery list and plan your meals to avoid impulsive purchases.
  4. Find healthy substitutes for your favourite unhealthy foods.
  5. Eat slowly and heed your body’s hunger and fullness signals.
  6. Avoid eating in front of screens, as it can make you eat more than you need.
  7. Avoid skipping meals and stick to a regular eating schedule.
  8. Stay hydrated and stay away from sugary drinks.
  9. Exercise regularly and be physically active.

Reward yourself for reaching milestones, and be kind if you slip up. Remember, change takes time and effort.

Are supplements necessary for nutrition for men?

Supplements can help fill nutrient gaps in a person’s diet, but they are not necessary for everyone. However, some men may benefit from taking specific supplements based on their lifestyle or medical conditions.

It’s important to talk to a doctor or a dietitian before starting any supplement regimen, as too much of some nutrients can be harmful, and some supplements can also interact with medications. They can help determine if a supplement is necessary and recommend the right type and dose for an individual’s needs.

Here are some tips for incorporating more nutrient-dense foods into your diet:

  1. Start your day with a nutrient-rich breakfast.
  2. Include more fruits and vegetables in your meals as sides and ingredients in recipes. Again, aim for various colours to get a range of nutrients.
  3. Choose whole grains instead of refined grains.
  4. Incorporate lean protein sources into your meals.
  5. Use healthy fats in cooking and as condiments.
  6. Limit processed foods, added sugars, and unhealthy fats, which are low in nutrients and high in calories.
  7. Cook at home more often.

How can you maintain a healthy weight during different life stages?

Regardless of life stage, it’s important to listen to your body and not ignore hunger or fullness signals. It’s also important to be consistent and make changes that can be sustained over time rather than relying on fad diets or extreme weight loss measures. Healthy weight maintenance can be challenging during different life stages, but here are some tips that can help you:

  1. Adolescence: Encourage healthy eating habits and encourage physical activity.
  2. Young Adulthood: Emphasize the importance of eating nutrient-dense foods in a balanced diet. Regular physical activity can also help maintain a healthy weight.
  3. Middle Age: As metabolism slows down, it is important to keep portion sizes in check and make nutritious food choices. Moving your body through physical exercises can help you maintain a healthy weight.
  4. Older Age: As the body becomes less active, it’s important to maintain a healthy diet in alignment with any medical conditions and engage in physical activity to prevent age-related weight gain.




QUA Nutrition, we realize that each person is different, with varied health and sports_nutrition needs. Our motto ‘Eat to your capacity’ caters to each individual’s specific health requirement.

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