Sports Nutrition

 16,500.00 250,000.00


SKU N/A Category


Nutrition is a key ingredient to optimizing/Enhancing athletic and fitness performance. Whether you are performing on-field or are training, whether you are a professional or a recreational athlete, or training to become one, proper meal planning and refueling the body is essential to reaching your full athletic and performance potential.

At QUA Nutrition, we cater to India’s top sports athletes in every sporting field. We build customized sports nutrition plan that factors your training/ fitness / exercise, blood work, physiology, genetics, the kind of sports you play, food availability and choices, travel, other variable factors, goals, and the performance output you desire to see. Working with us help you learn and understand the below aspects of nutritionally improving performance by :

  1. Optimal performance. Your speed, strength, power, endurance, and stamina will be at its best.
  2. Learning how to properly fuel your body before, during and after training and competition.
  3. Improved academic performance, mood, and decision-making.
  4. Optimal body composition.
  5. Postponed fatigue and enhanced energy levels during exercise and all day long.
  6. Better and faster recovery.
  7. Minimized soreness and inflammation
  8. Reduced injury risk and improved return-to-play time after injury or surgery.
  9. Enhanced immunity.
  10. Ability to excel at sports for many years.

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Chief Nutritionist, HOD, Senior Specialized Nutritionist, Specialist Nutritionist

Select an Offering

12 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months


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