How To Control Diabetes

Diabetes is one of the leading concerns among health professionals today. It is caused when the blood sugar levels rise to an excess, which results in a resistance to insulin. It is important to implement measures to control blood sugar levels and to stop the spread of diabetes in its tracks. Our specialized diabetes nutritionist can help you manage your condition through personalized meal plans.

Consume More Dairy Products: The protein and fat in dairy products helps improve blood sugar levels, and if the products are low in fat, they can also decrease the chances for developing insulin resistance.

Choose the Right Kind of Bread: Flour based products are usually the simple carbohydrates and are loaded with sugar that shoot up blood glucose in the body. Rather, try consuming whole grain foods like whole wheat or rye products. These are high in fiber, protein and complex carbohydrates and stabilize the blood glucose levels while bringing you satiety for longer hours.

Maximize the Magnesium: Magnesium is a trace mineral needed by the body to prevent the onset of Type II diabetes. It should be consumed in the diet to avoid the deficiency. Magnesium rich sources are spinach, fish, nuts, leafy greens and avocados. These foods are known to reduce the risk of diabetes and can also be consumed during weight loss.

Cardamom is Great: Cardamom is a member of the ginger family of spices. The spice is known to regulate Type II diabetes and can be sprinkled on coffee, tea, yogurt and even cereal. The spice is known to help decrease blood glucose levels by eighteen to thirty percent.

Buckwheat: An excellent source of fiber, Buckwheat is great for maintaining healthy blood sugar levels. It comes in the form of soba noodles, which are a delicious alternatives to rice or pasta

Watch Fat Intake: It is important to watch the amount of saturated fats entering the body because these can seriously increase the chances of contracting diabetes. Saturated fats are usually found in fried and junk foods as they are cooked in unhealthy oils.

Exercise Daily: Getting in exercise each day is critical to maintaining normal blood sugar levels, even if it’s a brisk walk in the park.

Eat Grapefruit: Grapefruit affects the glucose metabolism and thus helps in keeping the weight under check while maintaining insulin levels.

Drink Decaf, Not Regular: Decaffeinated coffee slows down the rate at which the intestines absorb sugars and speeds up the absorption of sugar by the muscles.

Eat Smaller Meals: It is best to have a small meal and then another small meal . It is also important to eat regularly so that insulin levels don’t spike, but remain stable throughout the day.

Get Enough Sleep: Sleep is one of the most important factors of controlling diabetes as a proper sleep helps to maintain the blood glucose levels in the body. Improper sleep or its deprivation can lead to abnormal rise and fall in the blood sugar and insulin levels. Some studies have shown that usually the people who are overweight tend to snore more and thus are more like to be affected by diabetes. Therefore, it becomes essential to stop snoring in order to prevent the risk of diabetes. Getting yourself tested and treated for proper sleep cycle and snoring can help in prevention of diabetes.

While the above article guides you to eating healthier, there is no substitute for customized professional advice given by a qualified diabetes nutritionist. We urge you to speak to your personal dietician or if you need help, contact a nutritionist at Qua Nutrition.

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Diabetes Nutritionist