Iron is an Important Nutrient Particularly for Women

Being the most essential nutrient, Iron carries oxygen through the blood to the rest internal organs of the body. Iron deficiency can cause weakness, fatigue and even anemia. There are certain foods we can eat to boost our iron intake. These foods are particularly essential for women since they lose blood monthly during menstruation. Dietary intake of iron balances the iron levels in the body. So, if you are looking to increase your iron intake, here are a few delicious foods you should incorporate into your daily diet.

  1. Oysters

Eating oysters every once in a while helps meeting the iron requirements in the body 3 ounces of oysters have more than 30 percent of your recommended daily iron needs. In case you can€™t find fresh oysters, you can use canned oysters in a seafood taco or pasta sauce. Even canned oysters are rich in iron and can be consumed in the diet.

  1. Spinach

If you are trying to get more iron, make sure you add spinach to your daily diet. Spinach boasts numerous health benefits. You can use spinach in your salads, vegetable soups, smoothies or just pile it on your sandwich. Sauted spinach a super tasty side dish that you can serve with fish or chicken. Spinach has over 10 percent of your recommended daily iron needs.

  1. Tuna

One of the best choices for a quick and tasty lunch is canned tuna. I like canned tuna on whole grain crackers or whole grain bread with sliced vegetables and fruits on the side. Perhaps the best thing about canned tuna is that it€™s inexpensive, so everyone can add it to their everyday eating plan. You can add tuna to your pasta or salad.

  1. Cereal

Consuming cereal is one of the best ways to increase your iron intake. Certain cereals contain an entire day€™s recommended iron intake in just one serving. Although cereal makes a good breakfast, you can eat it for dinner too.

  1. Chicken

If you prefer chicken over beef, then try to add it to your diet to increase your iron intake. On comparison beef has greater levels of iron than chicken but it can still help you to boost your iron levels. Dark meat like the thigh contains a bit more iron than the white meat like the chicken€™s breast. But if you keep your calorie and fat intake low, choose the whiter meat. You can use chicken in your soups, salads, tacos, wraps and burritos, or eat it grilled.

  1. Nuts And Seeds

Vegetarians can boost their iron intake by consuming nuts and seeds as a part of their daily diet. They are rich in natural fats and are high in iron. Pine nuts and sesame seeds have the highest levels of iron. A handful of seeds or nuts, especially on a busy day, is a wonderful way to fuel your body and get your iron.

Shrimp, dried fruit, beans, tofu, lentils, bread, are other excellent sources of iron. It€™s important to watch your iron intake in order to avoid numerous health issues. What€™s your way to increase your iron intake?


While the above article guides you to eating healthier, there is no substitute for customized professional advice given by a qualified nutritionist. We urge you to speak to your personal dietician or if you need help, contact a nutritionist at Qua Nutrition.

You can contact us at 080 3232 9292 or log on to to Book An Appointment.


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