I have been associated with QUA Nutrition since June 2014. My goal was not just weight loss but to make myself fitter. I started with cholesterol levels above normal, borderline sugar and high uric acid. I am very happy to report that in addition to losing around 7.5kgs in four months, all the parameters listed above became normal. I was advised a regime which I found no difficulty in following as it took into account my likes/ dislikes in food, my lifestyle and my current exercise regimen. There were course corrections made on a continual basis, depending on how I was faring. Janeline, my dietitian, was in regular touch and I felt connected. I would like to thank both Janeline and QUA for instilling a sense of ‘health consciousness’ in me.


At QUA Nutrition, we believe in personalized nutrition for every individual. Our motto, "Eat to Your Capacity," reflects our commitment to creating tailored plans that help you achieve your health and fitness goals.
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