Weight Loss



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At every age, we have different metabolic levels. Overall, one of the major gauges of good health, fitness, wellbeing, feel good factor and aesthetics is our weight index. We use this measure to evaluate how healthy we are and want to be at the ideally. One of the key parameters to staying young, fit, and healthy is your ability to manage your weight.

Managing weight and maintaining it needs to be addressed with a calculated and scientific nutritional approach for long lasting benefits and improvements.

Step into our weight management program that works in correcting the nutritional deficiencies, supplementations and addressing with any comorbidities that you are dealing. This will be customized, curated weight management nutritional program that is based on your blood work, genetics, physiology, preferences, choices, fitness regime, lifestyle, and specific goals.

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Choose Plan

Chief Nutritionist, HOD, Senior Specialized Nutritionist, Specialist Nutritionist

Select an Offering

1 Month, 12 Months, 3 Months, 6 Months


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