Sugar in Junk Food is Killing the Next Generation of Children!!

QUA NUTRITION conducts Kids nutrition workshops across the world educating children in a teach, DO, Demo atmosphere to make KIDS aware of How toxic Packaged food is to their bodies. Children learn better and mimic adult behavior of healthier eating when shown by an expert. Mummy Daddy know nothing ;)!!!  Click on the video below to watch a live workshop and laughing kids.

One of the biggest challenges for parents is to limit the amount of sugar and salt in their childrens diets. LIMITING SUGAR At QUA Nutrition we recommend that sugar intake for children is limited to 3 teaspoons (12 grams) a day. Cutting back on sweets and biscuits is only part of the solution. Large amounts of added sugar can also be hidden in foods such as bread, , ketchup, and fast food. Don’t ban sweets entirely. Having a no sweets rule is an invitation for cravings and overindulging when given the chance.

Give recipes a makeover. Many recipes taste just as good with less sugar. Avoid sugary drinks. One Frooti (250 ml) contains almost 7 teaspoons of sugar (Danger for Frooti). Cut down on processed foods, such as white bread and cakes, which cause blood sugar to go up and down, and can leave kids tired and sapped of energy. Create your own gola. Freeze 100% fruit juice in an ice-cube tray with plastic spoons as popsicle handles. Or you can also freeze different fruits like grapes, berries, banana pieces, or peach slices.

To organize a kids nutrition workshop in your city email us at (minimum 20 kids).

While the above article guides you to eating healthier, there is no substitute for customized professional advice given by a qualified nutritionist in Delhi. We urge you to speak to your dieticians, or if you need help, contact a nutritionist or dietician as per your preference at Qua Nutrition, It can be a sports nutritionist, family nutritionist weight management nutritionist, diabetes nutritionist or nutritionist related to medical nutrition therapy.

You can contact us at +91-9743430000 or log on to QUA Nutrition to Contact Us.


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