Top 7 Foods For Healthy Hair

Top 7 Foods For Healthy Hair: To get thick, strong, healthy hair, you need to fill up on nutrients like iron, zinc,vitamin D etc. Eating a variety of healthy foods will give you the mane you’ve always dreamed of!!


Mushrooms: Mushrooms are a good source of Biotin which is essential for your hair growth and health. In addition to being a good source of Biotin, mushroom contains large quantities of selenium which is vital for healthy hair. Selenium compounds can kill a fungus called Malassezia which is present on the scalp and is responsible for shedding dry skin fragments. Selenium in combination with zinc is effective in preventing hair loss.

Tuna and Salmon: Tuna is rich in Biotin and also has plenty of other health benefits that make it worth adding to your diet 2-3 times a week. It is a great source of amino acids essential for the growth and maintenance of strong healthy hair and omega 3 for lustrous hair.

Sunflower Seeds: A great source of minerals like magnesium, and vitamins like Biotin. Up to 2-3 tsp per day can be sprinkled on your salads or added to your smoothies or the dough of your chapattis.

Eggs: Rich in zinc, selenium, sulphur and iron, egg yolk helps carry oxygen to the hair follicles and also contain biotin which promotes growth. The Vitamin A present in the yolk helps in the production of sebum. It helps in controlling dandruff. Vitamin A prevents drying of the scalp and promotes hair growth and prevents hair loss. Egg yolks are one among few other foods that naturally contain vitamin D.

Sweet Potatoes: Sweet potatoes contain large amounts of beta carotene which is converted into Vitamin A upon entering the human body and enhances the scalp health and quality of existing hair. Sweet potatoes are an excellent remedy for itchy scalps and dandruff as well.

Dry fruits: These nuts make hair grow faster and thicker owing to the high levels of biotin and Vitamin E present in them and shield hair against DNA damage and UV rays.  Walnuts have also been proven to have copper, a mineral that maintains the richness of natural hair color adds shine, and keeps them soft and lustrous.

Yoghurt: It is rich in hair-friendly proteins, vitamins like B5  and D, and natural moisturizers to hydrate your scalp and keep it healthy. Yogurt can be consumed as a smoothie with dry fruits and chia seeds.

While the above article guides you to eating healthier, there is no substitute for customized professional advice given by a qualified nutritionist. We urge you to speak to your personal dietician or if you need help, contact a nutritionist at Qua Nutrition.

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